
About Me

Gunawan Jusuf serves as president and CEO of the Sugar Group Companies (CEO). Based out of Indonesia, The Sugar Group is an international conglomerate whose member companies are all involved in some aspect of sugar cultivation, refining, and distribution.

As an expert in his industry, he has contributed to the success of many Indonesian products on both a national and international level. Many of Indonesia's Sugar Group Companies' plantations are located in Lampung Province. Across Indonesia, Jusuf is in control of 10 more outposts.

Over the course of his career in Indonesia's agriculture and manufacturing sectors, Jusuf honed a unique skill for successfully directing many teams at once.

As CEO and President of the Sugar Group Companies, he encourages communication and cooperation among the company's many locations. The end result is record-breaking performance and higher profits for the company. Jusuf's leadership, analytical thinking, and communication skills have helped the Sugar Group Companies achieve sustained success.

The Sugar Group Companies is still a thriving enterprise in Indonesia. It's no secret that Gunawan Jusuf has been instrumental in the company's long-term success and in achieving targets that other executives thought were impossible.

And most importantly, Jusuf was the impetus for Gulaku's meteoric rise. Extra-fine granulated sugar is one of the most recognized consumer goods in the country.

To this day, Sugar Group Companies remains one of the world's leading sugar producers. Under Jusuf's guidance, the company sees the product from seed to shelf, from cultivation to processing to packaging, advertising and distribution. He has committed his entire life to make the company he founded a success, and it shows.

Aside from Gulaku, the Sugar Group Companies also distribute such well-known Indonesian labels as JJ Royal Coffee. Jusuf has always been driven by a desire to succeed. He came to the U.S. from Indonesia to attend California State University, Long Beach.

At this institution, he developed an interest in a wide variety of fields, including business, marketing, English, and more.

A book titled "Blue Gold" was recently released by the Sugar Group Companies' CEO. The story highlights the coming water deficit in Indonesia and worldwide, demonstrating the centrality of water to all forms of life on Earth. Jusuf's career has given him a unique vantage point on the significance of water in many aspects of life.

Deep in the book is a simple exploration of water's great worth. For the sugar cane on Jusuf's many plantations and refineries to flourish, as well as for the future prosperity of the business, water is crucial. The success of the enterprise had a lasting effect on Gunawan Jusuf's outlook on water scarcity.

Jusuf is a true Renaissance man. Even though his financial success has been widely reported on, his numerous other achievements have been mostly overlooked. Jusuf is a generous donor to Catholic organizations. Both Pope Francis and Pope John Paul II, who sadly passed away, were kind to him.

Once the sugar has been extracted, molasses is left over. To make the purest ethanol possible, we used this product. In 2012, we made a request to the California Air Resource Board to begin producing ethanol. A top "clean" grade from the California Air Resources Board (California Air Resources Board Had ever verified)

He helped establish the Terawatt Initiative, whose members work to improve the reliability, affordability, and sustainability of the nation's electricity grid. Below are listed the seven main goals of the Terawatt Initiative:
Understanding the role of leadership in developing collaborative strategies
Clarify the options available and encourage households and companies to take calculated risks on greener energy sources. Create an interesting and simple narrative to get your point across.

Regulating costs down to 2 cents per kilowatt-hour is a realistic goal that can be accomplished by reassessing existing policies. The trillions of dollars currently allocated to the existing energy system should be redirected to the emerging energy system.

Gunawan Jusuf and a slew of other business, energy, financial, and technology foresightful are constantly working together to make the Terrawatt Initiative a success. In doing so, they hope to address the complex problems that have stymied the progress toward more long-term, practical methods of producing clean energy.

The plan's overarching objective is lofty: eliminating the use of fossil fuels worldwide within the next decade. But Jusuf has never been one to give up before reaching a goal.

He also supports the Sugar Group Schools, which his late mother established and which is now managed by his sister, Purwati Lee.

In 2005, the organization's founders saw a need to aid sugarcane workers' families in affording an education for their children. These schools are located in rural areas. However, they are not run like most rural schools in Indonesia. Bilingual programs are provided in comfortable, air-conditioned classrooms with high-speed Internet access in the hope that they would inspire students to continue their education all the way to the polytechnic level.

So far, Sugar Group Schools have provided free education to more than 1,900 children of employees. The kids get free uniforms, shoes, backpacks, and two meals a day. Academically talented students might receive full tuition waivers from universities.

Gunawan Jusuf's dedication to bettering the lives of future generations of Indonesians is reflected in his funding of the Sugar Group Schools. Both Jusuf's business and humanitarian endeavours are flourishing and expanding. The Sugar Group Companies have pledged to continue their support for ecologically sustainable production methods, improved local educational opportunities, and many other worthy causes in Indonesia and abroad in the years to come.

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